Running in an election is always a win for Green Policy

To deliver a sustainable future for the people and environment of the Isle of Man - we need you!!

In a time of the climate and ecological emergency, where environments, societies, and democractic institutions are becoming more fragile and unequal, it's a time when the Isle of Man (and the world) desperately need more Green Councillors, Commissioners, and MHKs.

So far, our Green local politicans (amongst many other things) have announced the first climate emergency in the Isle of Man, commissioned sustainable housing plans, called-out traffic pollution in Douglas, lobbied central government for active travel, and ensured building plans complied with the Government's sustainable planning policies...but we need to be able to take more action.

When the Green Party runs a candidate in an election - we cannot lose! Campaigning involves connecting people with the most important topics of our time. If that means that by having these doorstep conversations people become more concious about how they live on the planet and interact with their environment - we are making progress. Running in an election isn't just to achieve the goal of more politicians.


The local elections are set to take place on Thursday 22 April and the general election will take place on Thursday 23 September.

The below image are the constituency maps for the local and general elections. (Original image credit Isle of Man Government: )

Isle of Man Consitituancies.jpeg

How can I put myself forward to run?

You must be a member to be able to run. Membership details are here.

To represent the Green Party the process is:

  1. Inform the Green Party committee that you would like to stand in an election for the Green Party. Email:

  2. The Committee will provide you with the candidacy form for completion.

  3. The canddiacy disclosure form will be advertised to members.

  4. Members will vote on whether to endorse a candidate.

We would be very happy to hear from anyone wishing to find out more, before making putting themselves forward. The committee can answer any questions you may have. Please complete the below form to register your interest and a member of the Committee will be in touch.

Government guidance on running in the local elections and the role of a local politican can be found here. See our historic election campaigns here.