On 18th April 2024, Lamara Craine, on behalf of the Isle of Man Green Party, penned a resolute objection letter to Jennifer Chance, Director of Planning & Building Control at the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA), regarding the proposed Planning Application (Ref: 22/00679/B) for residential, commercial, and retail development, as well as a public house, on land at Poyll Dooey Fields and Part Fields.
New gas licence in conflict with Tynwald and last week’s landmark human rights case
Celebrating International Women’s Day
New Gas Licence Would Breach Tynwald’s Authority
For the Good Governance of the Island: Green Party Response to the Constitutional' Committee
On 19 September 2023, the Isle of Man Green Party was invited by the Constitutional and Legal Affairs and Justice Committee of Tynwald, to provide a written submission upon the subject of the Isle of Man constitution. The Green Party provided its submission on 3 October 2023, setting outs its views on the constitution and the matters where urgent reform is required.