Notes on Membership and Fees
By joining the Isle of Man Green Party as a member you are able to:
Share in the conversations shaping Green Party policy.
Vote to adopt the policies and election candidates of the Green Party.
(If endorsed by the Party Members) Run for the Green Party in elections.
As a political party we have costs - insurance, campaign costs, room hire for public meetings and we assist Party elected candidates with costs towards their campaigns . We receive income from membership subscriptions and individual donations.
The Green Party uses the membership fee funds to:
Host meetings for members and for the public.
Pay towards the costs of election campaigns of Green Party candidates.
Pay for resources that enable the Green Party to respond to Government consultations, share and build a community around our message of sustainability, and hold the Government of the Isle of Man to account.
All the Committee members are volunteers and do not receive any income from the party.
Our accounts are transparent and members can see what has been spent each year.
Your Membership year runs from January to December each year. If you sign up part way through the year you would still pay for the full membership fee for that year.
We cannot accept anonymous donations.
Membership Fees
Membership is for anyone over the age of 16, and the current membership-fee is £10 (members are invited to give a donation above this amount if they wish/are able).
A concessionary membership-fee of £5 is available for those in full time education, not currently in employment, or retired.
Sign up
Help the Isle of Man Green Party to work towards a sustainable future for the Island. You can sign up to be added as a member by clicking the link here.