The Principles of the Isle of Man Green Party
The Isle of Man Green Party’s vision for the achievement of the Biosphere, are through its 6 core Principles, which includes the central Principle of the Party, the achievement of Sustainability.
These principles are:
Sustainability - our vision is for society to be sustained in a manner so as to reduce suffering and without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Non-Violence - we strive for a culture of peace and co-operation
Respect for Diversity - we defend the right of all persons to an environment supportive of their dignity, health and spiritual well-being
Ecological Wisdom - we acknowledge that humanity depends of ecological resources of the planet and that we must ensure the integrity of the ecosystems
Social Justice - we promote the equitable distribution of social and natural resources to meet basic physical and psychological needs.
Participatory Democracy - we strive for transparent and accountable governance for society.