Andrew LANGAN-Newton, Green Party candidate in Rushen GENERAL ELECTION (2021)
How To Make Change / Vote
When: Thursday 23 September
Time: 8AM-8PM
How: Attend the polling station indicated on your polling card (received through the post - you don’t need your polling card to vote). Vote Andrew Langan-Newton. If you didn’t get a polling card, ring the number indicated below.
Where: Polling stations:
CRUS1 Methodist Hall, Station Road, Port Erin
CRUS2 Scoill Phurt Le Moirrey, Port St Mary
CRUS3 & CRUS4: Ballafesson Methodist Hall, Ballafesson
Advice: ring the Government elections team for help +44 1624 685754 or email:
The Isle of Man Green Party is a registered political party running political candidates to lead sustainable change for the Isle of Man.
Andrew Langan-Newton has been the Leader of the Isle of Man Green Party since its inception in 2016. A practising Manx Advocate, Andrew represented the Isle of Man at the 2015 Commonwealth Youth Parliament in Australia where he was elected Prime Minister of the Parliament. Andrew attended Castle Rushen High School before leaving the Island to attend University and then Law School in England. Andrew now lives in Port St Mary with his wife and their children.
Of his election campaign, Andrew said: -
“I am grateful to be able to offer the electorate in Rushen the opportunity to place a vote on 23 September for a sustainable transformation of our society. Since the Green Party was formed five years ago, it is now clear more than ever what an opportunity we have in 2021 to show leadership on a positive future in the Isle of Man of clean energy and transport, opportunity for all, and good governance.”
Read more about the Isle of Man Green Party Principles here.
Gef/Vote 2021 Written Interview
Andrew speaking about the House of Keys 2021 Election, Paul Moulton TV
Andrew’s Two Minutes to Tell, Manx Radio
Green Party’s Reaction to the Climate Change Report, Paul Moulton TV
Published by A.Langan-Newton, 2 The Lhargan, Port St Mary. Isle of Man. IM9 5AR