Andrew jessopp, Green Party candidate in douglas south (2020)
The Isle of Man Green Party is a registered political party running political candidates to lead sustainable change for the Isle of Man. On Monday 27 July 2020 the members of the Isle of Man Green Party confirmed, by digital poll, the adoption of Andrew Jessopp as Green Party candidate for the Douglas South by-election on Thursday 27 August 2020.
Andrew Jessopp has been a local politician for 16 years as a Braddan Commissioner, over 6 years as the Chair of the Commissioners. Andrew is also a Chair of Zero Waste Man, a charity seeking solutions to our waste problems in the Isle of Man and is a founding member of the Isle of Man Green Party.
About his nomination as Green Party candidate for Douglas South, Andrew Jessopp expressed: -
“I am grateful for the opportunity to become the catalyst for sustainable change in Douglas South. The next 12 months will involve significant and strategic matters for Douglas South, not only the climate change bill that will have an impact for the entire Island but also the Eastern Area Plan localised to Douglas South. We can be a resilient and sustainable Island by making the right choices, and I’m here to deliver that for Douglas South.”
Read more about the Isle of Man Green Party Principles here.