Susan Rossouw, Green Party Candidate in Castletown - Local election (2021)
The Isle of Man Green Party is a registered political party running political candidates to lead sustainable change for the Isle of Man.
Susan has been a Green Party member since 2019 and lives in Castletown. Susan works within the education sector where she manages the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Team for the Department of Education, Sport and Culture, overseeing a budget spend of £300,000 per year.
She is a member of the Manx Wildlife Trust, the Balluriad Players and Castletown Tennis Club.
Susan hosts the Rainbow Storytelling Tent at events such as MannKind Festival, Manx LitFest and the One World Centre's Global Village.
Susan is a graduate of Cardiff University, ex-Royal Signals TAVR officer and has ridden her motorbike to Norway and back.
Of her election campaign, Susan said: -
“I chose to run for commissioner so that the electorate can vote to include a 'green' voice in the way Castletown is run.
Many people grumble about decisions. Across the Island, wild space and natural heritage has been sacrificed to greed.
If ecology-minded Islanders can unite, gather world-wide support and reprieve the St Marks elms, it shows what can be achieved.
As a Green Party commissioner, I can garner knowledge and experience from within the party to inform wise decisions for Castletown, helping ensure these contribute towards a healthy, kind and more sustainable environment for people, flora and fauna.”
Read more about the Isle of Man Green Party Principles here.
Published by A.Langan-Newton, 2 The Lhargan, Port St Mary. Isle of Man. IM9 5AR