Judgment Day for Climate Change

On Wednesday 22 May 2019, Tynwald debated the motion of MHK for Garff Daphne Caine for a declaration of a ‘Climate Emergency’, the final Parliament in the British Isles to do so.  The debate lasting over three hours considered three amendments to the motion:-

  1. A motion from Minister for DEFA, Geoffrey Boot welcoming the Chief Minister recognition of a climate emergency and the introduction of a future climate change bill with a goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

  2. A motion from MHK for Ramsey Lawrie Hooper, identifying the significant impact climate change will have in the Isle of Man and setting the aim of achieving net zero emissions by 2035.

  3. A motion from MHK for North Douglas Ralph Peake, for a dedicated climate emergency transformation team, to drive change across Government. 

Mr Peake’s motion could effectively, if passed, go with any three of the other motions.  However, out of the other three motions, it was apparent that only one motion could pass as the motions of Mr Boot and Mr Hooper reframed Mrs Caine’s motion in distinct ways.  

Due to the House of Keys and the Legislative Council both voting in opposed ways over Mr Boot’s motion on 22 May 2019, the vote was deferred to the next Tynwald, to be held this coming Tuesday 18 June, with both Houses of Tynwald voting as one body.  A judgment day for climate change.

The Isle of Man Green Party calls upon all Members of the House of Keys and Legislative Council to support and vote for the amendments of Mr Hooper and Mr Peake.

Mr Peake’s call for a Climate Change Transformation Team

For too long has climate change mitigation and response been siloed within Government Departments.  For truly strategic and holistic change, a pan-Governmental body is necessitated to consider, construe, align and implement cross-Government and pan-societal actions, mitigation and initiatives to bring about the change that will deliver the Isle of Man’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst delivering ‘green’ economy outcomes to bring about equitable solutions for society in energy and transport. 

Mr Hooper’s call for a Net Zero Emissions Island by 2035

When Professor Kevin Anderson of Manchester University visited the Isle of Man in 2016, his statement was that to avoid 2 degrees C of global warming the Isle of Man (along with all wealthy countries) would have to reduce emissions by 10% per annum and be fully decarbonised by 2035.As we are now 3 years on without an abatement in our emissions; Professor Anderson’s advice is that emissions must now be reduced between 12-15% a year and to fully decarbonise by 2035.This is not a choice between whether it is easier for us to reduce emissions by 2035 or 2050: there is no choice if we are to avoid a future of 2 degrees C of warming and global catastrophe in our food chains, sea levels, biodiversity and ecology.Mr Hooper’s motion recognises this reality and all of Tynwald must back this motion and execute the commitment it sets out to protect the current and future generations of society in the Isle of Man as well as the flora and fauna the Biosphere Island is shared with.


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