The Isle of Man Green Party is alarmed that the interim target for carbon dioxide emissions reductions proposed by the Isle of Man Government is a reduction of 45% by 2035 and not by 2030 as consulted upon. The proposal will be voted on by Tynwald at its March sitting next Tuesday 15 March 2022.
The Government’s proposed interim target Regulations entirely ignore the overwhelming response to their own recent interim target consultation, in support of reducing emissions by 45% by 2030 (or more).
Failure to Consult
Under section 35 of the Climate Change Act 2021, the Council of Ministers must consult on the Regulations it is proposing to put to Tynwald for approval. The Isle of Man Green Party was surprised to learn that the Government has now proposed Regulations with a date half a decade after the date proposed in the public consultation.
This failure to consult on the proposed Regulations appears to be in breach of the legal duty upon the Council of Ministers under section 35, as well as an abuse of the reasonable expectations of the Isle of Man public following the consultation.
Taking Climate Change Seriously
Under section 10 of the Climate Change Act 2021, the Council of Ministers is under a legal duty to make regulations to set an interim target to reduce emissions by 1 April 2022.
The Isle of Man Green Party calls upon the Government to amend its proposed regulations to give a target date of 2030 to reduce emissions by 45%, which received overwhelming public support in the recent public consultation.
The Green Party notes that there has been no confirmation of the extension of the Paris Agreement to the Isle of Man that was announced last November 2021. The Green Party is concerned that should the Isle of Man Government continue to delay action on climate change, the UK Government will choose not to include the Isle of Man in the Paris Agreement which will have an impact on our international reputation as a UNESCO Biosphere.
The Isle of Man Green Party is a registered political party building a sustainable vision for the future of the Isle of Man. Further information can be found on the Party’s website and via the Party email at