Green Party Supports the Foodbank at its Third Green Conference

For the third year running, the Isle of Man Green Party held its Green Conference, an afternoon of presentations open to the public on a range of subjects relevant to a sustainable, fair, and inclusive community.  This year the Green Party welcomed the following four speakers under the indicated headings: -

-        Julia Erskine – An Introduction to SAP Calculations and Energy Performance Certificates

-        Dr Henrietta Ewart – The value of Wellbeing 

-        Keiran Hannifin – My election journey as a political outsider 

-        Dr Henry Uniacke –Zero-Carbon Churches by 2030

As well as engaging with and discussing the complex and systemic issues facing our community, from mental and physical health, inequality, and climate change, the Party and attendees at the Conference raised a donation of £180 to the Isle of Man Foodbank, a charity undertaking important and valuable work for those being left behind and disadvantaged in our community.

The work of the Foodbank reaches so much further than simply the provision of food parcels. The Foodbank actively provides a lifeline and help for people that are struggling to pay their bills or find themselves in debt due to some unfortunate event. Most importantly the Foodbank confronts the issue that no child should be in need at Christmas in the Isle of Man. Despite being one of the richest European countries, politicians are still using rhetoric and non-engagement in the Isle of Man rather than dealing with the practicalities of solving this problem. This is an important issue for the betterment of children, families, and hardworking people who, statistically speaking, in some cases can be only a pay check away from needing such help.

The Isle of Man Green Party is a registered political party building a sustainable vision for the future of the Isle of Man. Further information can be found on the Party’s website and via email at

Green Party Election Strategist & Social Secretary meets Neal Mellon, CEO of the Foodbank.