Local Action, Global Change
The Isle of Man Green Party was founded in August 2016 to advance concept of sustainability in the Isle of Man, and to assert the belief that ‘party politics’ will give the wider Isle of Man society a louder voice in the governance of the Isle of Man.
On 18th April 2024, Lamara Craine, on behalf of the Isle of Man Green Party, penned a resolute objection letter to Jennifer Chance, Director of Planning & Building Control at the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA), regarding the proposed Planning Application (Ref: 22/00679/B) for residential, commercial, and retail development, as well as a public house, on land at Poyll Dooey Fields and Part Fields.
The Green Party write to Department of Infrastructure Minister raising that a new gas exploration licence would risk breaching the will of Tynwald and human rights in respect of the extreme impact of climate change in the Isle of Man.
The Isle of Man Green Party Celebrates International Women's Day: Honouring Female Political Leadership and Pioneering Spirit
The Green Party writes to Minister Crookall MHK setting out why the proposed decision to vary the licence granted to Crogga Limited to explore for gas would be an affront to the stated will of Tynwald.
On 19 September 2023, the Isle of Man Green Party was invited by the Constitutional and Legal Affairs and Justice Committee of Tynwald, to provide a written submission upon the subject of the Isle of Man constitution. The Green Party provided its submission on 3 October 2023, setting outs its views on the constitution and the matters where urgent reform is required.
On Saturday 25 November, the Isle of Man Green Party held its seventh Annual General Meeting since its formation in 2016. This milestone represents the dawn of a new era for the Party, with Lamara Craine replacing Andrew Langan-Newton as Leader and Falk Horning replacing Andrew Bentley as Chair.
Depsite being said to be the oldest continous parliament in the world, and to be the first nation to give women the vote, the Isle of Man Green Party belives that there is still much development that should take place to improve our political institutions.
Following the last four Green Conferences in Laxey, Castletown, Peel, and St Johns, the Isle of Man Green Party Conference 2023 is being held in Ramsey in the upper room in Ramsey Courthouse from 1400 on Saturday 25 November 2023. (Image credit: Save Ramsey Courthouse Facebook page)
Isle of Man Government risks acting contrary to its international and local commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions if it varies fossil fuel exploration licence.
Using the cheapest form of energy generation in the Isle of Man to move towards energy independence.
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